
January’s tale ( in February)


I wanted to write a flash fiction about a snowdrop so here it is. Who’d have thought a snowdropper was someone who stole underwear from a washing line and that a glump was a sulky person? You can discover all sorts when you do research!

The Garden of the Grumpy Galanthus

‘Don’t be such a sulky glump.’

‘I’m not sulking but I look like a punk.’

‘You look beautiful.’

‘What with these green streaks? All I want is to be perfectly pure.’

‘Every snowdrop is pure, green streaks or not.’

‘The snowdrops who stole the woman’s underwear isn’t pure.’

‘He’s a pervert not a Galanthus like us.’

The striped snowdrop’s head hung low. A dewy tear plopped to the soil.

‘I do look like a punk, or at the very least a painted replica, like those in her pot.’

The pure white snowdrop extended a comforting leaf.

‘Head up, the Narcissi are coming early. Smile.’



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